Martin Mullen RIP & Sharon Friel RIP Education Bursaries

PCU understands that education is essential to the ongoing growth of our members and our community.  We also understand how expensive it can be.

Every year, PCU supports our local students as a part of our Community and Social Responsibility Reserve.  This year students have the chance to win one of five bursaries to the value of €3,000 each towards college expenses

In order to participate, you must meet the criteria mentioned below

  • You must be a member of PCU
  • You must currently attend third level education or have been accepted on a course
  • You must provide proof of your current course or acceptance to a new course
  • You must complete the application form below
  • You must not be an officer of PCU or a direct relative of an officer.
  • If you win, you must open a PCU current account to have the money paid into

Personal Details

Proposed Course

Selection Process

As part of the Bursary Application, each applicant is required to type a 300 word essay explaining ‘How the PCU Bursary would assist you in furthering your Education/Career’.
